Partitioned Hash Function Index

This is Hash-Based Multi-Dimensional Index Structure

Typical Approach

Suppose we use classical approach for hashing a tuple $(a, b)$

  • $h(a, b) = h_1(a) + h_2(b)$
  • in this case we need to provide both $a$ and $b$
  • but what if we want to query only for $a$?
  • this will not work

Partitioned Hash Function

To tackle this problem, we define a hash function $h$ in a different way

  • $h(v_1, ..., v_n) = h_1(v_1) || ... || h_n(v_n)$
    • where $||$ means concatenation
    • so it's a list of functions $h_i$
  • $h$ produces $k$-bit output
    • each function $h_i$ produces $k_i$ bits and $\sum k_i = k$


  • assume we have 1024 buckets, to address each one we need at least 10 bits
  • i.e. $k = 10$ and $2^k = 1024$
  • suppose we decide (say, based on density, etc) that
    • $f(x)$ reserves 2 bits,
    • $g(y)$ gets 5 bits and
    • $h(z)$ - last 3 bits
  • part-hash-ex1.png

By partition a hash function this way we can query only for some attributes

  • suppose we want to query for $x = 10$ and $y = 20$
  • calculate hash for there two values
  • then we enumerate all possible values for $h(z)$ - and go through them
  • part-hash-ex-enum.png


Good support:

  • point queries
  • partial match queries

No Support for:

  • range queries
  • nearest-neighbor queries (physical distance is not reflected in the way we build $h$)


See also
