Motivation: Searching
Suppose we have a relation $R(A, B, C, D)$, each tuple - 32 bytes
- $128 \times 10^6$ tuples is $R$
- Block size is $B$ = 4kb
- I.e. can store 128 tuples per block, $10^6$ tuples in total
Suppose we want to find a tuple with $C = 10$
Searching in I/O Model of Computation
- for each block $X \in R$
- load $X$
- check if there's a tuple $T \in X$ with $C = 10$
- yes - output $T$
- no - continue
- release $X$ from memory
In worst case it's $10^6$ I/Os
- suppose $10^{-3}$ seconds per I/O operation
- 16.6 minutes in total
Can we do better?
An index is any secondary memory data structure that
- takes a search key as input
- efficiently returns the collection of matching records
One-Dimensional Indexes
Conventional Indexes
Tree-Based Indexes
Hash-Based Indexes
Tree-Based Indexes
Hash-Based Indexes
Clustered Index
Index can be clustered or unclustered
- When index is clustered it means the records themselves are stored in index, not pointers
- I.e. a clustered index ensures that all data is stored in some order
- Usually there is only one clustered index per relation (otherwise the data will be duplicated)
If an index (say, B-Tree) is not clustered, then instead of following each pointer other techniques can be used, such as Bitmap Heap Scan
Indexing can also be applied to unstructured data such as text