Motivation: Searching

Suppose we have a relation R(A,B,C,D), each tuple - 32 bytes

  • 128×106 tuples is R
  • Block size is B = 4kb
  • I.e. can store 128 tuples per block, 106 tuples in total

Suppose we want to find a tuple with C=10

Searching in I/O Model of Computation

  • for each block XR
    • load X
    • check if there's a tuple TX with C=10
    • yes - output T
    • no - continue
    • release X from memory

In worst case it's 106 I/Os

  • suppose 103 seconds per I/O operation
  • 16.6 minutes in total

Can we do better?


An index is any secondary memory data structure that

  • takes a search key as input
  • efficiently returns the collection of matching records

One-Dimensional Indexes

Conventional Indexes

Tree-Based Indexes

Hash-Based Indexes

Multi-Dimensional Indexes


Tree-Based Indexes

Hash-Based Indexes

Clustered Index

Index can be clustered or unclustered

  • When index is clustered it means the records themselves are stored in index, not pointers
  • I.e. a clustered index ensures that all data is stored in some order
  • hash-ways-to-store.png
  • Usually there is only one clustered index per relation (otherwise the data will be duplicated)

If an index (say, B-Tree) is not clustered, then instead of following each pointer other techniques can be used, such as Bitmap Heap Scan

Information Retrieval Indexing

Indexing can also be applied to unstructured data such as text
