B+ Tree
A search tree is a way to organize data to allow efficient
- B-Tree - same idea, but for secondary memory, for blocks
- A B+ Tree variation of B-Tree. Here if B-Tree is mentioned, it's usually referred to B+ Tree
- consists of leaf nodes and intermediate nodes
Order of Tree
parameter $n$ is the order of a tree
- it determines the layout of the block
- each block will have
- $n$ search keys
- $n + 1$ pointer
- suppose our block has size 4096 bytes
- integers are 4 bytes long, pointers are 8 bytes long
- suppose there's no header
- then we want such $n$ that $4n + 8(n + 1) \leqslant 4096$
- that $n = 340$
Example 2
- block size 4096
- 8 bytes per pointer and 8 bytes per key
- $(n + 1) \cdot 8 + n \cdot 8 \leqslant 4096$
- $n = 255$: we can store 256 pointers and 255 keys in one block
How to estimate height?
- Suppose $128 \times 10^6$ tuples in $R$
- we have a b-tree index with order $n = 255$ on attribute $C$
- assuming all leaf blocks are full, what's the height?
- so there are $\left\lceil \cfrac{128 \times 10^6}{255} \right\rceil$ leaf blocks
- $\left\lceil \cfrac{128 \times 10^6}{255^2} \right\rceil$ blocks at level 2
- $\left\lceil \cfrac{128 \times 10^6}{255^3} \right\rceil$ blocks at level 3
- ...
- $\left\lceil \cfrac{128 \times 10^6}{255^h} \right\rceil$ blocks at level $h$
- so it's logarithm
- $h = \lceil \log_{255} (128 \cdot 10^6) \rceil = 4$
- so #Lookup is 4 + 1 I/Os
What if blocks are half-full?
- since leaves are half-full, they keep 128 records
- $h = \lceil \log_{128} (128 \cdot 10^6) \rceil = 4$
- again 4 + 1 I/Os
Non-Leaf Node
- $n$ search keys, $n + 1$ pointers
- first pointer points to keys that are strictly less than the first key
- last pointer points to keys that are greater or equal to the last key
- for in-between pointers, if $k_i$ is a key, and $p_{i-1}$ and $p_i$ are pointers around it, then $p_{i-1} \leqslant k_i < p_i$
Leaf Node
- $n$ keys,
- $n$ pointers to actual records, 1 extra pointer to the next leaf in the sequence
- I/O cost of looking up is the longest path from the root to a leaf
- so we want our tree be balanced:
- to have paths as short as possible - with all the leaves at the same depth
- Recall that for $n$ we have $n + 1$ pointers and $n$ keys
- we don't want to have too empty nodes
- so we will require all nodes to be at least half-full
Size Invariants
nodes are half-full:
- at least $\left\lceil \cfrac{n + 1}{2} \right\rceil$ pointers for non leaf
- at least $\left\lfloor \cfrac{n + 1}{2} \right\rfloor$ pointers for leaf
- the only exception is root: it can contain any number of pointers
for example
- note that for leaf nodes a pointer to the next node counts as well
max # pointers
max # keys
max # pointers to data
min # keys
$n + 1$ |
$n$ |
$\left\lceil \cfrac{n + 1}{2} \right\rceil$ |
$\left\lceil \cfrac{n + 1}{2} \right\rceil - 1$
$n + 1$ |
$n$ |
$\left\lfloor \cfrac{n + 1}{2} \right\rfloor$ |
$\left\lfloor \cfrac{n + 1}{2} \right\rfloor$
$n + 1$ |
$n$ |
2 |
Cost of operations are expressed in I/O Model of Computation
suppose we are looking for $k = 35$
- start at the root
- follow the suitable pointer (as described in #Leaf Node) - this is the left root pointer
- for the next, take the last ($k \geqslant 35$)
- and finally read the block
I/O Cost
- head of the tree + 1 I/O to read
- for $k = 35$: 3 I/O
- for $k = 40$ (which doesn't exist): same path as for $k = 35$, cost is 3 I/O
- so I/O cost = the longest path from the root to leaf (which is why we want it balanced)
Range Lookups
- BTree supports range queries as well
- such as $35 \leqslant k \leqslant 40$
- we lookup the key corresponding to the left range boundary
- since we have a pointer to the next block, we follow it until we hit the right range boundary
- I/O cost in this case is
- length of the path from the root to the leaf
- then the number of leaves that we need to follow
- and also we need to follow a pointer for each key in the range
4 cases
- simple case - space available in leaf
- leaf overflow
- intermediate node overflow
- new root
Simple Case
- add $k = 32$
- look up $k$ to identify the block where it should be stored
- we have some room there - so just add the record there
Leaf Overflow
- add $k = 7$
- look up the block for 7, but it's fyll
- so we split this block
- create a new one and re-distribute items between them
- this way they both become half-full (the invariant is maintained)
- then in the new block we have some space (Simple Case) and we can put this record there
Intermediate Node Overflow
- add $k = 160$ ($n = 3$)
- there's no room in $\fbox{150, 156, 179}$ to add $160$ (Leaf Overflow case)
- so we create a new block and re-distribute the keys between them
- since we created a new block, we need to add a pointer to it, but there is no room in $\fbox{120, 150, 180}$
- so we split the intermediate block and move $180$ to the new block
- also need to modify the root block to add pointer to the new block $\fbox{180}$
New Root
- sometimes we need to create a new root
- add $k = 45$ ($n = 3$)
- we cannot add it to $\fbox{30, 32, 40}$ (Leaf Overflow case)
- split it to 2 nodes, need to add the pointer to the new node
- cannot add it to $\fbox{10, 20, 30}$ (Intermediate Node Overflow case)
- split it into 2 nodes, need to add the pointer to new block
- but $\fbox{10, 20, 30}$ is a root!
- need to split it to two nodes
- and promote $\fbox{30}$ to the root
I/O Cost
- operations
- search
- create a new block (split, write two blocks): 2 operations
- go level up
- so in the worst case 2 I/O at each level + possibly writing a new root (1 I/O)
- then the total cost is
- $\text{depth} + 2 \times \text{depth} + 1 = 3 \times \text{depth} + 1$
Again 4 cases
- Simple - just delete it
- Coalesce Leaf With Siblings
- Redistribute Keys
- Intermediate Nodes Coalescing
Coalesce Leaf With Siblings
- we delete $k = 50$ ($n = 4$)
- we locate the block with 50 and remove this record from it
- now the block becomes too empty (recall #Size Invariants)
- so we coalesce it with $\fbox{10, 20, 30}$
- now we have a new block, and the old one is not needed anymore - we remove it
- additional bookkeeping: need to make sure the next pointer point to the record the old block pointed to
Redistribute Keys
- we delete $k = 50$ ($n = 4$)
- when we delete 50, the block that contained it becomes almost empty
- cannot coalesce with $\fbox{10, 20, 30, 35}$ because it's full
- so to fix that we borrow a key from $\fbox{10, 20, 30, 35}$ to become half-full again
- and update the parents accordingly
Intermediate Nodes Coalescing
- we delete $k = 37$ ($n = 4$)
- first we locate the block with 37 and remove the record from it (Coalesce Leaf With Sibling case)
- since this block $\fbox{30}$ becomes too small we coalesce it with $\fbox{25, 26}$
- need to remove the pointer to the deleted block from the parental node $\fbox{30, 40}$
- i.e. we remove 30 from there
- but then the parental also node becomes too small, so we coalesce it with its sibling as well
- finally we don't need the root $\fbox{25}$ anymore since new block $\fbox{10, 20, 25, 40}$ can reference all the records
I/O Cost
- search: depth of the tree
- remove and regroup: 2 I/Os at each level
- no need to follow the pointer (i.e. don't do +1 as with #Insertion)
- total: $\text{depth} + 2 \times \text{depth} = 3 \times \text{depth}$
Multiple Keys
Sometimes we want to address a key made of several keys
Lexicographical Order
For B-Trees have to be ordered somehow
- we may need to compare tuples in lexicographical order
- so we define this ordering as
- $(x, y, z) \leqslant (x', y', z') \iff \\ x < x' \lor (x = x' \land y < y') \lor (x = x' \land y = y' \land z \leqslant z')$
Problem with Lexicographical Order
Assume index of (age, salary) pairs with lexicographical order
- btree-lex-ord.png
- query age < 20 - ok
- start at the beginning of index ans scan till see 20
- query salary < 30 - not fine
- linear scan, need to scan everything
- query age < 20 $\land$ sal < 20
- also scan index till see 20,
- meanwhile filtering records with sal < 20
- so using lexicographical ordering doesn't allow all queries we want
need other types of indexes - Multi-Dimensional Indexes
- R-Tree in particular: it's generalization of B-Trees to multidimensional data
See also