Concurrency Control
A database typically serves multiple users at the same time
- the goal in this case is to make an impression that everything works in isolation
- Concurrency Control deals with that: it ensures that transactions have the same effect as if they were run in isolation
Write-Read Conflict
- one transaction T1 is reading a DB item that was written by another transaction T2
- without T2 having completed
- this results in Write-Read Conflict
Illustrative Example
- suppose there are two transactions T1 and T2
- T1 transfers 100 USD from one account to another
- T2 gives 6% interest rate to all accounts
T1 |
T2 |
Read(A,s) |
read from A to main-memory variable s
s←s−100 |
withdraw 100 USD from A
Write(A,s) |
persist the result to disk
Read(A,t) |
t←t×1.06 |
give 6% interest rate to A
Write(A,t) |
note that at this moment the money hasn't appeared at B yet
Read(B,t) |
t←t×1.06 |
give 6% interest rate to B
Write(B,t) |
Read(B,s) |
s←s+100 |
put 100 USD to B
Write(B,s) |
persist the result to disk
Assume both A and B have 100 USD
- A won't get any interest (no money at the moment of interest calculation)
- B will get interest only on 100 USD instead of 200 USD
- two transactions interleaved,
- it should be either
- first all actions of T1 and then all actions of T2 or
- first all actions of T2 and then all actions of T1
Write-Write Conflict
- both transactions are just writing new values without reading the old ones
- T1 puts 100 USD to both A and B
- T2 puts 200 USD to both A and B
T1 |
s←100 |
Write(A,s) |
s←100 |
Write(B,s) |
We want the transactions to run in some sequence
- as if they were not allowed to interleave
Not consistent state:
Consistent state:
- both have 200 USD (first T1 then T2)
- both have 100 USD (first T2 then T1)
- The Scheduler is responsible for creating an impressions that all transactions are run in isolation
Distributed Concurrency
- Multi-Master
- Master/Slave
- Partitioning
- Sharding
- Write thought Caches