A transaction is a sequence of updates to the database
- a transaction must be consistent

- we need to ensure that all the transactions run in isolation
- that is, while one transactions is running, no other transaction should see its intermediate results (which can be inconsistent)
Data Sharing (Concurrency)
- suppose that two transactions T1 and T2 are running at the same time
- T1: give 10% rise to all programmers
- T2: transfer some programmers to business analysts
Problem here:
- it should be either first T1 and then T2 or vice-versa
- otherwise there will be a lot of problems and unexpected results
- Concurrency Control techniques are used for that
Transaction Manager
- Transaction Manager is a component of a DBMS that has a scheduler
- The scheduler is responsible for creating an impressions that all transactions are run in isolation
Levels of Isolation
- Serializable (see Serializable Scheduling)
- ...
- ...
- No Isolation (actions of transactions can be executed in any order)
See also