Dense Index

A dense index is a sequence of blocks that can hold only keys and pointers.

  • here all records have a record in the index that point to them



  • out file (on the right) is sequential
    • i.e. it's created by sorting all tuples by some attribute, say, primary key
  • we can keep 2 records in one block


  • Can fit more keys in memory at once - and scan there in memory, which is way faster
  • can check if record exists without following a pointer (less additional IOs)

Unlike Sparse Index, we cannot stack dense indexes on top of each other



  • suppose we want to find a record with $k = 20$
  • we locale a record in the index with $k = 20$
  • follow the pointer: read the block where it points to



Suppose we want to delete $k = 30$

  • dense-ind-delete-1.png
  • we follow the pointer for $k = 30$
  • then remove the record and the pointer from the index
  • we leave a tombstone and reorganize if needed
  • dense-ind-delete-2.png


  • Find the place where the key should belong to
  • if there is room in the block, add it there (make sure the order is maintained)
  • if not - shift some records out from the block (to a new one or to its neighbor)
  • update the index accordingly

Duplicate Keys

Suppose we have duplicate keys in our database. How to build index?

Option 1

  • dense-ind-dup-1.png
  • still like the original dense index: each record has it's pointer in the index

Option 2

  • dense-ind-dup-2.png
  • or we may record only the first occurrence of the key
  • assuming the file is sequential, we are sure that the rest will follow
  • of course it won't work if the file is not sequential

See also
