Serializable Schedule
An action is
- r(X) - read database element X or
- w(X) - write database element X
- we abstract away from the actual values that are read/written, we are not interested in them
A transaction T is a sequence of action
A schedule is a sequence of actions that belong to different transactions
- r1(A),w1(A),r2(A),w2(A),r1(B),w1(B),r2(B),w2(B)
- ri(X) denotes that this action belongs to transaction Ti
a serial schedule is a schedule in which transactions are executed consequently, not concurrently
- e.g. first all actions of T1 and then all actions of T2
- r1(A),w1(A),r1(B),w1(B)⏟all actions of T1,r2(A),w2(A),r2(B),w2(B)⏟all actions of T2
Serializable Schedule
- a schedule is called serializable is there exists an equivalent serial schedule
- even though we may execute actions concurrently, the effect is guaranteed to be the same as if it was run in isolation
- S1=r1(A),w1(A),r2(A),w2(A),r1(B),w1(B),r2(B),w2(B)
- S2=r1(A),w1(A),r1(B),w1(B),r2(A),w2(A),r2(B),w2(B)
- S1≡S2, S2 is serial, so S1 is serializable
Not serializable:
- Write-Read conflict:
- r1(A),w1(A),r2(A),w2(A),r2(B),w2(B),r1(B),w1(B)
- write by T2 happens before read by T1, but T1 started earlier
- it's not equivalent to any serial schedule
We want to schedule our actions in such a way that the result is serializable
Serializability is very hard to achieve
two actions are in conflict if
- they belong to the same transaction
- both deal with the same element and one of the actions is a write
A schedule is conflict-serializable if
- we can obtain a serial schedule by swapping actions that are not in conflict
- S1=r1(A),w1(A),r2(A)⏟(1),w2(A)⏟(2),r1(B)⏟(3),w1(B)⏟(4),r2(B),w2(B)
- (1)+(2) are not in conflict with (3)+(4): they use different DB items
- can swap them and get a serial schedule
- S2=r1(A),w1(A),r1(B),w1(B),r2(A),w2(A),r2(B),w2(B)
- i.e. S1 is conflict-serializable
- you never can reorder actions of the same transaction
- otherwise you may change the behavior of this transaction
- what is more, by reordering actions within same transactions it's not possible to get something serial from not serializable schedule
Conflict-Serializability ⇒ Serializability
but converse is not true
- S1=w1(Y),w2(Y),w1(X),w3(X)
- S2=w1(Y),w1(X),w2(X),w3(X)
- S1≡S2: in Y there's a value written by T2, and in X the value written by T3
- but S_1 is not Conflict-Serializable, but Serializable: we cannot swap w2(X) and w1(X)
Precedence Graph
There is an algorithm that checks if a schedule is conflict-serializable
construct a precedence graph:
- suppose you have a schedule S with several transactions
- create a node for each transaction
- connect Ti with Tj if
- there ∃ actions ai∈Ti,aj∈Tj s.t.
- ai precedes aj and
- ai are in conflict aj and
Example 1:
- S1=r2(A),r1(B),w2(A),r3(A),w1(B),w3(A),r2(B),w2(B)

Example 2:
- S2=w1(Y),w2(y),w2(X),w1(X),w3(X)

Thm If the precedence graph G of a schedule S is a DAG then
- S is conflict-serializable
- otherwise it's not
Suppose we have a cycle T1→...→Tn→T1 in G
- it means there ∃ action a1∈T1 on some database item X that follows a′n∈Tn on the same X
- we cannot move a1 by conflict-free swapping to the front
- i.e. cannot put a1 before all actions of Tn
- there also ∃ an that follows some action a′1∈T1
- but we cannot move an either because of some action an−1∈Tn−1
- i.e. we cannot have a conflict-serializable schedule
But if G is a DAG, we can obtain an equivalent conflict-serializable schedule by Topological Ordering
- if there are no cycles in G then
- there ∃ a transaction TA that has no incoming edges in G
- otherwise there would be a cycle
- let a1 be the first action of TA
- can move a1 by conflict-free swapping to the front
- since TA has no incoming edges, there are no actions that conflict with a2
- let a2 be the second action of TA
- also can move it to the front
- repeat for all actions ai∈TA
- we end up with the following schedule:
- S′=a1,a2,...,ak⏟all actions ∈TA,b1,c1,...,zp⏟all actions ∉TA
- now remove all actions of TA, let G be the precedence graph of this schedule and repeat
If there are 2 or more nodes with no incoming edges, just pick one of them
- the result in any case will be serial
- only the order may be different
A Scheduler is a component of Transaction Manager that schedules read/write requests.
The following schedulers produce Conflict-Serializable Schedules: