Min Max Regret Strategy

How to choose an alternative?

This principle is also called the Savage's Opportunity Loss principle.


  • instead of calculating the maximal gain (like in Max Max Strategy) or maximal loss (Max Min Strategy) we calculate the regret
  • use this measure to decide which option to choose
  • we don't want to experience a lot of regret, so we will minimize the maximal regret we have
  • so it's similar to Max Min Strategy, but instead of utility we use regret


    • regret is a measure that shows how we regret choosing some alternative $a$ to another alternative $a^*$ after $e \in E$ happens
  • imagine that $e$ happens and the best alternative in this case is $a^*$
  • but we chose $a$
  • so our regret is $c(e, a^*) - c(e, a)$
  • it we chose $a^*$ then our regret is 0

So define regret as

$R(a, c) = max_{b \in A} \big[ c(b, e) - c(a, e) \big]$

We choose such $a \in A$ that:

  • $\min_{a \in A} \max_{e \in E} R(a, e)$


  • it must be meaningful to make differences for calculating regret
  • so the scale should be numerical, not ordinal


Suppose we have the following matrix:

$c$ $e_1$ $e_2$ $e_3$
$a_1$ 40 70 -20
$a_2$ -10 40 100
$a_3$ 20 40 -5

  • if $e_1$ happens, the regret of choosing $a_1$ is 0
    • $a_1$ is the best for $e_1$
  • if $e_1$ happens, the regret of choosing $a_2$ is 50
    • 40-(-10) = 50
    • the best value for $e_1$ is the value for $a_1$, which is 40

So this way we compute a regret matrix:

$R$ $e_1$ $e_2$ $e_3$ max
$a_1$ 0 0 120 120
$a_2$ 50 30 0 50
$a_3$ 20 30 105 105

In this case the alternative $a_2$ minimizes the maximal possible regret, so we choose it


This method does not satisfy the principle of Independence to Third Alternatives from the Voting Theory

  • adding or removing alternatives may alter the choice in unpredicted ways


$c$ $e_1$ $e_2$
$a_1$ 8 0
$a_2$ 2 4
$R$ $e_1$ $e_2$ max
$a_1$ 0 4 4
$a_2$ 6 0 6

Now $a_1$ wins - so we choose it

But what if we add a third alternative?

$c$ $e_1$ $e_2$
$a_1$ 8 0
$a_2$ 2 4
$a_3$ 1 7
$R$ $e_1$ $e_2$ max
$a_1$ 0 7 7
$a_2$ 6 3 6
$a_3$ 7 0 7

But now $a_2$ wins!

Expected Opportunity Lost

Similar idea:

  • we calculate the expected value on the regret table
