Undo Logging
This is a Database Transaction Log for dealing with Crash Recovery
Hansel and Gretel
- poor parents dropped the children in the forest
- the children trace the steps they take and recover the path back to parents
The same in databases:
Undo Logging or Immediate Modification log
- before writing anything to disk, we record the old value to the log
- and only after that write
So the way we do it is:
- we allow to modify things in memory
- while modifying them we create corresponding records in the log that keeps the old value
- all the log records have to already be on disk before writing database items back to disk
Transaction $T_1$ |
Log |
$\langle T_1, \text{start} \rangle$ |
when the transaction starts
read($A, t$); $t \leftarrow t \times 2$; |
write($A, t$) |
$\langle T_1, A, 8 \rangle$ |
now it's allowed to output($A$)
read($B, t$); $t \leftarrow t \times 2$; |
write($B, t$) |
$\langle T_1, B, 8 \rangle$ |
now it's allowed to output($B$)
output($A$) |
output($B$) |
now all modifications are on disk
$\langle T_1, \text{commit} \rangle$ |
transaction has finished
The log record's form is:
- $\langle \text{transaction id}, \text{DB item}, \text{old value} \rangle$
- $\langle T_1, B, 8 \rangle$ means $T_1$ made modification to database item $B$ and the old value is 8
- $\langle T_1, \text{commit} \rangle$ means $T_1$ has successfully completed and it everything has been written to disk
- Logs are as well first written to memory and then to disk
- we cannot flush logs to disk on every action - it would result in too much I/O
Bad States we want to avoid:
- A database item is modified on disk, but no corresponding log record is not yet written
- The entire log is on disk (including $\langle T, \text{commit} \rangle$ record) but new values themselves are not
Undo Logging Rules
- for every action generate an undo log record with the old value
- before element $X$ is modified on disk, we write all log records that belong to $X$ to disk
- this is called Write-Ahead Logging:
- before writing a new value, write all corresponding log records
- before you write commit to logs, all modifications should be already flushed on disk
Undo Logging Recovery Rules
How to recover from failures with Undo Logging:
- we undo the failed transactions
- i.e. we put the database in the state it was prior this transaction
Recover(log $L$)
- for every transaction $T_i$ that has a $\langle T_i, \text{start} \rangle$ record in the log
- if there's already $\langle T_i, \text{commit} \rangle$ or $\langle T_i, \text{abort} \rangle$
- otherwise - rollback:
- for all $\langle T_i, X, v \rangle \in L$
- write($X, v$)
- output($X$)
- write $\langle T_i, \text{abort} \rangle$ to $L$
$\langle T_i, \text{abort} \rangle$ record "commits" the abort of transaction
- to avoid the situation when in the middle of abortion the power was cut again
- it says if we undid a transaction successfully we never have to do it again
If during rollback the power was cut again - it's not really a problem
- we will just overwrite the old value again - and that's it
- writing the old value twice it's the same as writing it once (it's idempotent)
- this way you're guaranteed to bet back to a consistent state
- what if a transaction changes a value of some variable several times?
- in this case we should recover only the first one and ignore the rest
Recover(log $L$)
- let $S^*$ be all set of transactions $T_i$ with $\langle T_i, \text{start} \rangle \in L$
- (1) let $S$ be all transaction $T_i \in S^*$ without $\langle T_i, \text{commit} \rangle \in L$ or $\langle T_i, \text{abort} \rangle \in L$
- (2) for each $\langle T_i, X, v \rangle \in \text{reverse}(L)$ (reverse order: latest $\to$ earliest)
- if $T_i \in S$:
- write($X, v$)
- output($X$)
- (3) for each $T_i \in S$
- write $\langle T_i, \text{abort} \rangle$ to $L$
Several Transactions
Note that there can be several transactions that are happening at the same time.
- Can writes of $\langle T_i, \text{abort} \rangle$ records to log be done in any order?
- $T_1$ and $T_2$ both write $A$, $T_1$ before $T_2$
- suppose that both $T_1$ and $T_2$ are rolled back
Suppose we undo both, but write only $\langle T_1, \text{abort} \rangle$ (power was cut when writing $\langle T_2, \text{abort} \rangle$)
- undoing something 2 times is not a problem, but here we have two transactions
- recall that $\langle T_1, \text{abort} \rangle$ means the value on disk is the value $A$ had prior to $T_1$
- we have undone $T_1$ and now trying to undo $T_2$
- this will rollback to value that was there prior to $T_2$, overwriting value that was prior to $T_1$
- (That actually could be the value written by $T_1$ which we rolled back)
If we write $\langle T_2, \text{abort} \rangle$, but not $\langle T_1, \text{abort} \rangle$
- we must write the abort record in the reversed order of starting times of transactions
- i.e. latest to start - the first to be undone, and its $\langle \text{abort} \rangle$ record should appear first in the log
If we keep track on everything we do we'll quickly run out of log space
- we can free some space by truncating the log
- are there parts of the log we know for sure are not needed anymore and can be safely discarded?
Need to be careful:
- just anything before a $\langle T_i, \text{commit} \rangle$?
- will not work in case of multiple transactions:
- one transaction could commit, but before this commit there may be records of another transaction that has not committed yet - we'd need to undo them as well
Stop the World
The simplest way
Periodically do the following
- do not accept any transactions (say "stop" to everybody)
- wait until all running transactions finish
- flush their modification to disk (as well as their commit record)
- commit all log records to disk
- write a $\langle \text{ckpt} \rangle$ - checkpoint record - to logs
- now can resume accepting all transactions again
$\langle T_1, \text{start} \rangle$
this can be removed from logs
$\langle T_1, A, 5 \rangle$
$\langle T_2, \text{start} \rangle$
$\langle T_2, B, 10 \rangle$
$\langle T_2, C, 15 \rangle$
$\langle T_1, D, 20 \rangle$
$\langle T_1, \text{commit} \rangle$
$\langle T_2, \text{commit} \rangle$
$\langle \text{ckpt} \rangle$
$\langle T_3, \text{start} \rangle$
undoing only this part
$\langle T_3, E, 25 \rangle$
$\langle T_3, F, 30 \rangle$
- If a failure occurs we know that it's enough just to get back to the latest successful checkpoint
- everything started before the checkpoint had been committed
- we're shutting down the system while doing the checkpoint
- especially bad when the number of transactions is very high
- we'd like to avoid that
Non-Quiescent Checkpoint
This is a more complex technique
- allow new transactions to enter the system during the checkpoint
- write to log
- $\langle \text{start ckpt} (T_1, ..., T_k) \rangle$
- where $T_1, ..., T_k$ is the list of all active transactions that have not committed yet (and therefore not flushed their results to disk)
- wait until all $T_1, ..., T_k$ commit or abort
- and there should the corresponding records in the log
- don't prohibit other transactions to start
- when all $T_1, ..., T_k$ have finished
- write $\langle \text{end ckpt} \rangle$ to log on dist
- to undo we scan backwards until we see the end checkpoint ($\langle \text{end ckpt} \rangle$)
- at this point we know that all transaction that were active when the checkpoint started had committed
- so everything before $\langle \text{start ckpt} (T_1, ..., T_k) \rangle$ is already committed - no need to consider them
- also: every $\langle \text{start ckpt} \rangle$ should have corresponding $\langle \text{end ckpt} \rangle$
So rollback:
- undo till the latest start checkpoint $\langle \text{start ckpt} (T_1, ..., T_k) \rangle$
Example 1
$\langle T_1, \text{start} \rangle$
can truncate this part
$\langle T_1, A, 5 \rangle$
$\langle T_2, \text{start} \rangle$
$\langle T_2, B, 10 \rangle$
$\langle \text{start ckpt} (T_1, T_2) \rangle$
$T_1$ and $T_2$ are active
$\langle T_2, C, 15 \rangle$
undoing only this part
note that $T_3$ started after checkpoint
$\langle T_3, \text{start} \rangle$
$\langle T_1, D, 20 \rangle$
$\langle T_1, \text{commit} \rangle$
$\langle T_3, E, 25 \rangle$
$\langle T_2, \text{commit} \rangle$
$\langle \text{end ckpt} \rangle$
$\langle T_3, F, 30 \rangle$
In this case
- we undo only $T_3$
- $T_1$ and $T_2$ are not undone - we see their commit records
Example 2: Failure during checkpoint
$\langle T_1, \text{start} \rangle$
$\uparrow$ undo to last complete checkpoint
only not committed transactions ($T_2$)
$\langle T_1, A, 5 \rangle$
$\langle T_2, \text{start} \rangle$
$\langle T_2, B, 10 \rangle$
$\langle \text{start ckpt} (T_1, T_2) \rangle$
$\langle T_2, C, 15 \rangle$
$\langle T_3, \text{start} \rangle$
$\langle T_1, D, 20 \rangle$
$\langle T_1, \text{commit} \rangle$
$\langle T_3, E, 25 \rangle$
(before $\text{ckpt}$)
In this case:
- haven't seen $\langle T_3, \text{commit} \rangle$ - undoing $T_3$
- also have to undo $T_2$
- don't have to undo $T_1$ - it's committed
- when going back, cannot stop at $\langle \text{start ckpt} (T_1, T_2) \rangle$:
- still have to undo all active transactions from the list that haven't committed yet
- the list is $(T_1, T_2)$, $T_1$ has committed - i.e. undoing only $T_2$
- so it may be enough to go up until you see that all not-committed transactions start
- but it can be as far as the last completed checkpoint
- at this point you're certain that you've undone everything
Drawbacks and Benefits
- (+) don't need much memory for logging - keep as much as you can, flush when there's no memory
- (-) not good for backups - it goes back it time, not forward
- backup with such logging approach: stop the world and do the backup
- Redo Logging is another alternative without this drawback
Undo/Redo Logging
Undo/Redo Logging is the combination of Undo Logging and Redo Logging
- Main Article: Database Transaction Log Exercises