Classical kd-Tree
- split attributes at different levels are different
- in the example: first split by Y, then by X, then by Y...
- interior nodes of the tree contain
- attribute on which we divided the space
- a dividing value
- left and right pointers (only 2!)
- leaves are blocks with records
- similar to binary search trees
- but need to use only attribute specified in a interior node of the tree
- look up the block
- if there's room - put it there
- not - split into 2
- we divide by the most appropriate attribute
- and create a new interior node that points to the split halves
Good for See Multi-Dimensional Indexes#Typical Queries
- Point Queries (just lookup)
- Partial Match
- suppose we specified only Y
- then if it's not Y follow both left and right pointers
- if it's Y then use the dividing value in the node to decide whether to go left or right
Reasonable Support
The described algorithm is for Main Memory, not for disk
2 ways to adapt
- Multi-Way Branches
- like in B-Tree: n keys, n+1 pointers
- hard to merge to keep it balanced
- Several Nodes Per Block
- Keep 2 children per block as described
- but store several nodes per one block
- to minimize I/O it's better to put in the same block records that are likely to be accessed together
- For example, a node and it's descendants
See also