SNN Clustering

The goal:

  • find clusters of different shapes, sizes and densities in high-dimensional data
  • DBSCAN is good for finding clusters of different shapes and sizes, but it fails to find clusters with different densities
  • it will find only one cluster:
  • ff4b406fc5d948d7bf3b2d4e3c18a71d.png
  • (figure source: Ertöz2003)


  • Euclidean Distance is not good for high-dimensional data
  • use different similarity measure in terms of KNNs - "Shared Nearest Neighbors"
  • then define density in terms of this similarity

Jarvis-Patrick Algorithm

"Jarvis-Patrick" algorithm, as in Jarvis1973

Step 1: SNN sparsification:

  • construct an SSN Graph from data matrix as follows
  • if $p$ and $q$ have each others in the KNN list
  • then create a link between them

Step 2: Weighting

  • weight the links with $\text{sim}(p, q) = \big| \, \text{NN}(p) \ \cup \ \text{NN}(q) \, \big|$
  • where $\text{NN(p)}$ and $\text{NN(q)}$ are $k$ neighbors of $p$ and $q$ resp.

Step 3: Filtering

  • then filter the edges:
  • remove all edges with weight less than some threshold

Step 4: Clusters

  • let all connected components be clusters


  • b2b174cd84e3488a8d1dad51687bf194.png
  • (figure source: Ertöz2003)
  • note that this procedure removed the noise
  • and clusters are of uniform density: it breaks the links in the transition regions


Usual density is not good:

  • In the Euclidean space, the density is the number of points per unit volume
  • but as dimensionality increases, the volume increases rapidly
  • so unless the number of points increases exponentially with dimensionality, the density tends to 0
  • Density-based algorithms (e.g. DBSCAN) will not work properly

Need different intuition of density

  • can use a related concept from
  • if $k$th nearest neighbor is close, then the region is most likely of high density
  • so the distance to $k$th neighbor gives a measure of density of a point
  • because of the Curse of Dimensionality, the approach is not good for Euclidean Distance, Cosine Similarity or others
  • but we can use the SNN-Similarity to define density

SSN-based measures of density:

  • sum of SSN similarities over all KNNs
    • why sum an not just $k$th?
    • to reduce random variation - which happens when we look only at one point
    • to be consistent with the graph-based view of the problem
  • of it can be the number of points within some radius - specified in terms of SNN distance
    • like in DBSCAN, but with SSN distance

SSN Clustering Algorithm

SNN Clustering algorithm is a combination of

  • Jarvis-Patrick algorithm and
  • DBSCAN with SSN Similarity and SSN Density


  • $k$
  • $\epsilon$
  • $\text{min_pts} < k$


  • compute the similarity matrix
  • sparsify the matrix by keeping only $k$ most similar neighbors for each data point
  • construct the SSN graph (use the Jarvis-Patrick algo)
  • find SSN density of each point $p$:
    • in the KNN list of $p$ count $q$ s.t. $\text{sim}(p, q) \geqslant \epsilon$
  • find the core points
    • all points with SSN density greater than $\text{min_pts}$ are the core ones
  • form clusters from the core points
    • all non-core points not within $\epsilon$ from the core ones are discarded as noise
  • align non-noise non-core points to clusters

Parameter tuning:

  • $k$ controls granularity of clusters
  • if $k$ is small, then it will find small and very tight clusters
  • if $k$ is large, it'll find big and well-separated clusters



  • Jarvis, Raymond A., and Edward A. Patrick. "Clustering using a similarity measure based on shared near neighbors." (1973). [1]
  • See also: Houle, Michael E., et al. "Can shared-neighbor distances defeat the curse of dimensionality?." 2010. [2]


  • Ertöz, Levent, Michael Steinbach, and Vipin Kumar. "Finding clusters of different sizes, shapes, and densities in noisy, high dimensional data." 2003. [3]