Space Orthogonality

Two vectors (sub)spaces can also be orthogonal

Consider two subspaces $S$ and $T$

  • $S \; \bot \; T$ means that $\forall \mathbf s \in S, \forall \mathbf t \in T: \mathbf s \; \bot \; \mathbf t$
  • i.e. if every vector in $T$ is orthogonal to every vector in $S$, then $S$ and $T$ are orthogonal


Example 1

Suppose you have two spaces: a wall and a floor. Are they orthogonal?

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  • take one vector from the wall that is 45° to one of the axis. It's not orthogonal to the floor! it's 45°
  • also, there are vectors that belong to both subspaces (and not just the origin!) - these vectors are not orthogonal

So, if two spaces intersect in more than just the zero-vector, then they cannot be orthogonal

Example 2

Two subspaces that meet in $\mathbf 0$ can be orthogonal


Row space and Nullspace

Row space $C(A^T)$ and nullspace $N(A)$ are orthogonal.

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Let's consider only rows from $A$

  • $\mathbf x \in N(A) \Rightarrow A \mathbf x = \mathbf 0$
  • $\begin{bmatrix}

— (\text{row 1}) \,— \\ — (\text{row 2}) \,— \\

\vdots   \\ 

— (\text{row $n$}) \,— \end{bmatrix} \cdot \mathbf x = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}$

  • or $\begin{bmatrix}

(\text{row 1})^T \mathbf x = 0 \\ (\text{row 2})^T \mathbf x = 0 \\

\vdots   \\ 

(\text{row $n$})^T \mathbf x = 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}$

  • so $\mathbf x$ is orthogonal to all rows in $A$

what else is in the row space? linear combinations of rows of $A$

  • $c_1 \cdot \text{row 1} + \ ... \ + c_n \cdot \text{row $n$}$ what if we multiply it by $\mathbf x$?
  • $(c_1 \cdot \text{row 1} + \ ... \ + c_n \cdot \text{row $n$})^T \mathbf x = (c_1 \cdot \text{row 1})^T \mathbf x + \ ... \ + (c_n \cdot \text{row $n$})^T \mathbf x = c_1 \cdot \underbrace{(\text{row 1})^T \mathbf x}_{0} + \ ... \ + c_n \cdot \underbrace{(\text{row $n$})^T \mathbf x}_{0} = 0$

Column Space and Left Nullspace


They are orthogonal for exactly the same reason

  • just transpose $A$ and go through the same argument as for row space and nullspace

Orthogonal Compliments

$N(A) \; \bot \; C(A^T)$ and $\text{dim} N(A) + \text{dim} C(A^T) = n$

  • they add up to the whole space
  • so they are orthogonal compliments in $\mathbb R^n$
