It's a family of weighting schemes for the Vector Space Model in Information Retrieval and Text Mining
Suppose we have
- a collection of documents $\mathcal D = \{ d_1, \ ... \ , d_N \}$ with $N$ documents
- the vocabulary $V = \{ w_1, \ ... \ , w_M \}$ consisting of $M$ words
- then each document is represented by $d = (x_1, x_2, \ ... \ , x_M)$ where $x_i$ is the weight assigned to the word $w_i$ in the document $d \in \mathcal D$
- let $D$ be a matrix with rows indexed by documents and columns indexed by words. $D$ is called a Document-Term matrix
Term Weighing Systems
Weights can be:
- binary: 1 if term is present and 0 if not
- term frequency (TF): frequency of each word in a document
- document frequency (DF): words that are used more in the collections have more weight
- TF-IDF: combination of sublinear TF and inverse document frequency
Term Frequency
Term Frequency (TF)
- local frequency of a word in the document
- i.e. the word is weighed by how many times it occurs in the document
- $\text{tf}(w, d) = \big| \{ w' \in d \ : \ w' = w \} \big|$ where $w$ is a word and $d = \{ w_1, \ ... \ , w_m \}$ is a document
Sublinear TF:
- sometimes a word is used too often so we want to reduce its influence compared to other less frequently used words
- for that we can use some sublinear function, e.g.
- $\log \text{tf}(w, d)$ or $\sqrt{\text{tf}(w, d)}$
Document Frequency
Document Frequency (DF)
- global frequency of a word in the document collection
- it's the number of documents that contain the word:
- $\text{df}(w, \mathcal D) = \big| \{ d \in \mathcal D \ : \ w \in d \} \big|$ where $w$ is a word and $\mathcal D = \{ d_1, \ ... \ , d_N \}$ is the document corpus
Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)
- more often we're interested in words that are rare across the document collections
- they tend to be domain specific and are usually more relevant for retrieving this document
- so we should give them more weight than to high-frequency words
- thus, $\text{idf}(w, \mathcal D) = \log \cfrac{ |\mathcal D| + 1 }{\text{df}(w, \mathcal D)}$
- also can be some Entropy-based measure
Good Weighting System
The main function of a weighting scheme is to enhance IR effectiveness
- want to retrieve items relevant to the users
- and non-relevant items should be rejected
Effectiveness of an IR system is measures via Precision and Recall
- precision $P$: % of retrieved items that are relevant
- recall $R$: % of relevant items retrieved
- want both $P$ and $R$ be good
- $R$ is best served by broad high-frequency items: such terms are frequent and are likely to contain relevant documents
- $P$ best served by narrow and specific terms: the ones with "discriminating power"
- we can't achieve both, so need to compromise: use terms broad enough to get good $R$, but without producing very low $P$
- TF should be good for getting high frequency words
- but using just TF is not good: if high frequency words are contained in many documents, all of them will be retrieved, thus affecting precision
- thus need a collection dependent factor that favors terms that are contained in fewer documents: IDF
- IDF varies inversely with the # of documents and the number of documents containing them
Term discrimination considerations:
- best terms are the ones that can distinguish individual documents from the test
- so best terms should have high TF but low IDF => so we can combine them and use TF $\times$ IDF
TF-IDF Scheme
When weighting we want to get:
- domain specific words
- words that are frequent in the document
- this can be done by combining TF and IDF:
- use sub-linear TF to avoid the dominating effect of words that occur very frequently
- use IDF to reduce weights of terms that occur more frequently to ensure that document matching is done with more discriminative words
- as the result, terms appearing too rarely or too frequently are ranked low
- the more often a term occurs in a document, the more representative it is of this document
- the more documents contain a term, the lest discriminating it becomes
So, we can combine then my multiplying:
- $\text{tf-idf}(w, d \mid \mathcal D) = (1 + \log \text{tf}(w, d)) \cdot \log \cfrac{|\mathcal D|}{\text{df}(w, \mathcal D)}$
- this is often used in Text Mining, but in Information Retrieval there can be other components in the TF-IDF
In systems where vectors have very different lengths a third component of a weight can be useful:
- Term normalization component
- if we have a short document $d$, then for corresponding vector $d$, $\| d \|$ is small
- if we have a large doc with many words, then $\| d \|$ is big
- so for larger documents the chances of matching are higher => so larger documents have higher chances of being retrieved just because they are larger
Normalization Factor
- Thus, we need to incorporate the normalization factor $\cfrac{d}{\| d \|}$
- It's also called "Cosine Normalization": we normalize weights s.t. they have a unit length
- then for a document vector $d$ and a query vector $q$, $\| d \| = 1$ and $\| q \| = 1$
- if we do this, the Inner Product is the same as Cosine Similarity: $d^T q = \text{cosine}(d, q)$
Pivoted Length Normalization Function
In Information Retrieval more involved variants of TF-IDF give better performance
- they account for TF, IDF and also document length
- but it's still a TF-IDF variation
for example,
- $$\text{tf-idf}(d, q \mid \mathcal D) = \sum_{w \in q, d} = \cfrac{1 + \ln \big(1 + \ln \text{tf}(w, d) \big)}{(1 - s) + s \cdot \| d \| / \| \bar d \|} \cdot \text{tf}(w, q) \cdot \ln \cfrac{\| \mathcal D\| + 1}{\text{df}(w, \mathcal D)}$$
- where $s$ - some parameter
- $\| d \|$ is the length of document $d$, i.e. how many words are in $d$
- $\| \bar d \|$ is the average document length
Smoothing and TF-IDF are connected
- Information Retrieval (UFRT)
- Zhai, ChengXiang. "Statistical language models for information retrieval." 2008.
- Salton, Gerard, and Christopher Buckley. "Term-weighting approaches in automatic text retrieval." 1988. [2]