Precision and Recall
Precision and Recall are quality metrics used across many domains:
IR system has to be:
- precise: all returned document should be relevant
- efficient: all relevant document should be returned
Given a test collection, the quality of an IR system is evaluated with:
- Precision: % of relevant documents in the result
- Recall: % of retrieved relevant documents
More formally,
- given a collection of documents $C$
- If $X \subseteq C$ is the output of the IR system and $Y \subseteq C$ is the list of all relevant documents then define
- precision as $P = \cfrac{|X \cup Y|}{| X|}$ and recall as $R = \cfrac{|X \cup Y|}{| Y |}$
- both $P$ and $R$ are defined w.r.t a set of retrieved documents
Precision/Recall Curves
- If we retrieve more document, we improve recall (if return all docs, $R = 1$)
- if we retrieve fewer documents, we improve precision, but reduce recall
- so there's a trade-off between them
Let $k$ be the number of retrieved documents
- then by varying $k$ from $0$ to $N = |C|$ we can draw $P$ vs $R$ and obtain the Precision/recall curve:
- source: [1]
- the closer the curve to the $(1, 1)$ point - the better the IR system performance
- source: Information Retrieval (UFRT) lecture 2
Area under P/R Curve:
- Analogously to ROC Curves we can calculate the area under the P/R Curve
- the closer AUPR to 1 the better
Average Precision
Top-$k$-precision is insensitive to change of ranks of relevant documents among top $k$
how to measure overall performance of an IR system?
$\text{avg P} = \cfrac{1}{K} \sum_{k = 1}^K \cfrac{k}{r_k}$
- where $r_i$ is the rank of $k$th relevant document in the result
Since in a test collection we usually have a set of queries, we calcuate the average over them
and get Mean Average Precision: MAP
The precision and recall metrics can also be applied to Machine Learning: to binary classifiers
Diagnostic Testing Measures [2]
Actual Class $y$
$h_{\theta}(x)$ Test outcome
Test outcome positive
True positive ($\text{TP}$)
False positive ($\text{FP}$, Type I error)
Precision = $\cfrac{\# \text{TP}}{\# \text{TP} + \# \text{FP}}$
Test outcome negative
False negative ($\text{FN}$, Type II error)
True negative ($\text{TN}$)
Negative predictive value = $\cfrac{\# \text{TN}}{\# \text{FN} + \# \text{TN}}$
Sensitivity = $\cfrac{\# \text{TP}}{\# \text{TP} + \# \text{FN}}$
Specificity = $\cfrac{\# \text{TN}}{\# \text{FP} + \# \text{TN}}$
Accuracy = $\cfrac{\# \text{TP} + \# \text{TN}}{\# \text{TOTAL}}$
Main values of this matrix:
- True Positive - we predicted "+" and the true class is "+"
- True Negative - we predicted "-" and the true class is "-"
- False Positive - we predicted "+" and the true class is "-" (Type I error)
- False Negative - we predicted "-" and the true class is "+" (Type II error)
Two Classes: $C_+$ and $C_-$
- $\pi = P\big(f(\mathbf x) = C_+ \, \big| \, h_{\theta}(\mathbf x) = C_+ \big)$
- given that we predict $\mathbf x$ is +
- what's the probability that the decision is correct
- we estimate precision as $P = \cfrac{\text{# TP}}{\text{# predicted positives}} = \cfrac{\text{# TP}}{\text{# TP} + \text{# FP}}$
- Out of all the people we thought have cancer, how many actually had it?
- High precision is good
- we don't tell many people that they have cancer when they actually don't
- $\rho = P\big(h_{\theta}(\mathbf x) = C_+ \, \big| \, f(\mathbf x) = C_+ \big)$
- given a positive instance $\mathbf x$
- what's the probability that we predict correctly
- we estimate recall as $R = \cfrac{\text{# TP}}{\text{# actual positives}} = \cfrac{\text{# TP}}{\text{# TP + # FN}}$
- Out of all the people that do actually have cancer, how much we identified?
- The higher the better:
- We don't fail to spot many people that actually have cancer
- For a classifier that always returns zero (i.e. $h_{\theta}(x) = 0$) the Recall would be zero
- That gives us more useful evaluation metric
- And we're much more sure
F Measure
$P$ and $R$ don't make sense in the isolation from each other
- higher level of $\rho$ may be obtained by lowering $\pi$ and vice versa
Suppose we have a ranking classifier that produces some score for $\mathbf x$
- we decide whether to classify it as $C_+$ or $C_-$ based on some threshold parameter $\tau$
- by varying $\tau$ we will get different precision and recall
- improving recall will lead to worse precision
- improving precision will lead to worse recall
- how to pick the threshold?
- combine $P$ and $R$ into one measure (also see ROC Analysis)
$F_\beta = \cfrac{(\beta^2 + 1) P\, R}{\beta^2 \, P + R}$
- $\beta$ is the tradeoff between $P$ and $R$
- if $\beta$ is close to 0, then we give more importance to $P$
- if $\beta$ is closer to $+ \infty$, we give more importance to $R$
When $\beta = 1$ we have $F_1$ score:
- The $F_1$-score is a single measure of performance of the test.
- it's the harmonic mean of precision $P$ and recall $R$
- $F_1 = 2 \cfrac{P \, R}{P + R}$
Motivation: Precision and Recall
Let's say we trained a Logistic Regression classifier
- we predict 1 if $h_{\theta}(x) \geqslant 0.5$
- we predict 0 if $h_{\theta}(x) < 0.5$
Suppose we want to predict y = 1 (i.e. people have cancer) only if we're very confident
- we may change the threshold to 0.7
- we predict 1 if $h_{\theta}(x) \geqslant 0.7$
- we predict 0 if $h_{\theta}(x) < 0.7$
- We'll have higher precision in this case (all for who we predicted y = 1 are more likely to actually have it)
- But lower recall (we'll miss more patients that actually have cancer, but we failed to spot them)
Let's consider the opposite
- Suppose we want to avoid missing too many cases of y=1 (i.e. we want to avoid false negatives)
- So we may change the threshold to 0.3
- we predict 1 if $h_{\theta}(x) \geqslant 0.3$
- we predict 0 if $h_{\theta}(x) < 0.3$
- That leads to
- Higher recall (we'll correctly flag higher fraction of patients with cancer)
- Lower precision (and higher fraction will turn out to actually have no cancer)
- Is there a way to automatically choose the threshold for us?
- How to compare precision and recall numbers and decide which algorithm is better?
- at the beginning we had a single number (error ratio) - but now have two and need to choose which one to prefer
- $F_1$ score helps to decide since it's just one number
Suppose we have 3 algorithms $A_1$, $A_2$, $A_3$, and we captured the following metrics:
$P$ |
$R$ |
$\text{Avg}$ |
0.5 |
0.4 |
0.45 |
0.444 |
$\leftarrow$ our choice
0.7 |
0.1 |
0.4 |
0.175 |
0.02 |
1.0 |
0.54 |
0.0392 |
Here's the best is $A_1$ because it has the highest $F_1$-score
Precision and Recall for Clustering
Can use precision and recall to evaluate the result of clustering
Correct decisions:
- TP = decision to assign two similar documents to the same cluster
- TN = assign two dissimilar documents to different clusters
- FP: assign two dissimilar documents to the same cluster
- FN: assign two similar documents to different clusters
So the confusion matrix is:
same |
TP |
FP |
Consider the following example (from the IR book [3])
- there are $\cfrac{n \, (n - 1)}{2} = 136$ pairs of documents
- $\text{TP} + \text{FP} = {6 \choose 2} + {6 \choose 2} + {5 \choose 2} = 40$
- $\text{TP} = {5 \choose 2} + {4 \choose 2} + {3 \choose 2} + {2 \choose 2} = 20$
- etc
So have the following contingency table:
same |
$\text{TP} = 20$ |
$\text{FN} = 24$
$\text{FP} = 20$ |
$\text{TN} = 72$
- $P = 20/40 = 0.5$ and $R = 20/44 \approx 0.455$
- $F_1$ score is $F_1 \approx 0.48$
Multi-Class Problems
How do we adapt precision and recall to multi-class problems?
- let $f(\cdot)$ be the target unknown function and $h_\theta(\cdot)$ the model
- let $C_1, \ ... , C_K$ be labels we want to predict ($K$ labels)
Precision w.r.t class $C_i$ is
- $P\big(f(\mathbf x) = C_i \ \big| \ h_\theta(\mathbf x) = C_i \big)$
- probability that given that we classified $\mathbf x$ as $C_i$
- the decision is indeed correct
Recall w.r.t. class $C_i$ is
- $P\big(h_\theta(\mathbf x) = C_i \ \big| \ f(\mathbf x) = C_i \big)$
- given an instance $\mathbf x$ belongs to $C_i$
- what's the probability that we predict correctly
We estimate these probabilities using a contingency table w.r.t each class $C_i$
Contingency Table for $C_i$:
- let $C_+$ be $C_i$ and
- let $C_-$ be all other classes except for $C_i$, i.e. $C_- = \{ C_j \} - C_i$ (all classes except for $i$)
- then we create a contingency table
- and calculate $\text{TP}_i, \text{FP}_i, \text{FN}_i, \text{TN}_i$ for them
Now estimate precision and recall for class $C_i$
- $P_i = \cfrac{\text{TP}_i}{\text{TP}_i + \text{FP}_i}$
- $R_i = \cfrac{\text{TP}_i}{\text{TP}_i + \text{FN}_i}$
- These precision and recall are calculated for each class separately
- how to combine them?
- calculate TP, ... etc globally and then calculate Precision and Recall
- let
- $\text{TP} = \sum_i \text{TP}_i$
- $\text{FP} = \sum_i \text{FP}_i$
- $\text{FN} = \sum_i \text{FN}_i$
- $\text{TN} = \sum_i \text{TN}_i$
- and then calculate precision and recall as
- $P^\mu = \cfrac{\text{TP}}{\text{TP} + \text{FP}}$
- $R^\mu = \cfrac{\text{TP}}{\text{TP} + \text{FN}}$
- similar to the One-vs-All Classification technique
- calculate $P_i$ and $R_i$ "locally" for each $C_i$
- and then let $P^M = \cfrac{1}{K} \sum_i P_i$ and $R^M = \cfrac{1}{K} \sum_i R_i$
Micro and macro averaging behave quite differently and may give different results
- the ability to behave well on categories with low generality (fewer training examples) will be less emphasized by macroaveraging
- which one to use? depends on application
This way is often used in Document Classification
- Machine Learning (coursera)
- Sebastiani, Fabrizio. "Machine learning in automated text categorization." (2002). [4]
- Zhai, ChengXiang. "Statistical language models for information retrieval." 2008.
- Information Retrieval (UFRT)
- Manning, Christopher D., Prabhakar Raghavan, and Hinrich Schütze. "Introduction to information retrieval." 2008. [5]