Hadoop MapReduce
This is a Hadoop data processing tool on top of HDFS
- it's a batch query processing tool that goes over all available data
- best for off-line use
- it's a part of Hadoop
Job is a specification that should be run on the cluster by Hadoop/YARN
- it's a unit of work
- contains: paths to input data, the MapReduce program (Map and Reduce UDFs) and configuration
- a job can have several input paths, and one output path
Job packaging:
- when we run the code on a cluster, we package it to a set of jar files
- we need to tell the cluster which is our jar
- done via
, so Hadoop can figure out which jar to use
- job is submitted via
Data Locality Principle
- programs don't pull data from storage
- instead, programs (jobs and tasks) are sent as close to data as possible
Each job consists of tasks:
- there are two types of tasks: map tasks and reduce tasks
- tasks are scheduled by YARN and run on different nodes
- if a task fails, it's rescheduled on a different node
Map tasks:
- the input files are split into fixed-size pieces - input splits
- then Hadoop creates a map task for each input split
- and then the task applies the map function to each record of that split
- map tasks write their results to local disks, not HDFS - their output is intermediate results and can be thrown away, when reducers are done
Reducer tasks:
- we specify the number of reducers for the job
- reducers cannot use the data locality principle, because input of Reducers is the output from all the mappers
- output of reducer is typically stored on hdfs
- it's possible to have 0 reducers, then such a job is called "Map Only" and writes the output directly to HDFS
Users can set mappers, reducers and combiners
Map only tasks
MapReduce Job Execution
General flow:
- input files are split into input splits
- map phase: master picks some idle workers and assigns them a map task
- mappers write their results to their disks
- reduce phase: once they finish, reducers take the results and process
map phase
- each input split is assigned to a map worker
- it applies the map function to each record
- results are written to $R$ partitions, where $R$ is the number of reducers
- wait until all map tasks are completed
shuffle phase (sorting)
- the master assigns reduce task to workers
- the intermediate results are shuffled and assigned to reducers
- if there's a combiner function, it is applied to each partition
- each reduces pulls its partition from mappers' disks
- each record is assigned to only one reduces
reduce phase
- Reducers ask the Application Master where the mappers are located
- and then they start pulling files from mappers as soon as mappers complete
- now apply the reduce function to each group
- output is typically stored on HDFS
Hadoop in one picture:
(Figure source: Huy Vo, NYU Poly and [1])
Shuffling Details
- Hadoop is often referred as "Big Distributed Merge Sort"
- Hadoop guarantees that the that the input to reducers is sorted by key
- Shuffle is the process of sorting and transferring map output to the reducers
- The output of mappers is not just written to disk, Hadoop does some pre-sorting
For tuning MapReduce jobs, it may be useful to know how the shuffling is performed
- Each mapper has ~100 mb buffer (buffer size is configured in
- when it's 80% full (set in
), a background thread starts to spill the content on disk (while the buffers are still being populated)
- it's written to disk in the Round Robin fashion to
directory into a job-specific subdirectory
- before writing to disk, the output is subdivided into partitions, and within each partition records are sorted by key
- if there's a combiner function, it's applied
- then all spills are merged
- if there are multiple spills (at least 3, specified in
), then combiner is run again
- by default the output of mapper is not compressed, but you can turn it on with
and the compression library is set with mapreduce.map.output.compress.codec
- then each reducer can download its partition
Sorting at the Reducer side
- as soon as mappers complete, reducers start pulling the data from their local disks
- each reducer gets its own partitions and merge-sort them
- also, reducer is fed data at the last merge phase to save one iteration of merge sort
Runtime Scheduling Scheme
- see YARN for details how it's scheduled
- For job execution MapReduce component doesn't build any execution plan beforehand
- Result: no communication costs
- MR tasks are done without communication between tasks
Failures and Fault-Tolerance
There are different types of failures:
- Task Failure (e.g. task JVM crushed).
- It a task attempt fails, it's rescheduled on a different node
- If the attempt fails 4 times (configured in
), it's not rescheduled
- Application Master failure
- Cluster Failure (not recoverable)
Fault tolerance is achieved naturally in this execution scheme
- detect failures and re-assigns tasks of failed nodes to others in the cluster
- also leads to (some) load balancing
The Tool Interface
is a helper class for executing Hadoop MR jobs
- so you can implement the
interface and run it with the ToolRunner
- it knows where to look for config files and already parses some parameter
- e.g. if you pass
parameter, it knows that it needs to load Configuration
from there
- Usually you have something like YouJob extends Configured implements Tool {
Unit Testing
- MRUnit is a library for testing MapReduce jobs
- uses a mock job runner, collect the output and compares it with the expected output
Running Locally
- You can also run your files locally for testing, before submitting the job to a real cluster
- the default mode is local, and MR jobs are run with
- it runs on a single JVM and can be run from IDE
- The local mode is the default one:
by default
- You can also have a local YARN cluster - see
Running on Cluster
Jobs must be packaged to jar files
- easiest way:
mvn clean package
- or
mvn clean package -DskipTests
client - the driver class that submits the job, usually it implements the Tool
Client classpath:
- job jar
- jar files in the
directory inside the jar
- classpath defined by
Task classpath
- it runs on a separate JVM, not on the same as the client!
- not controlled by
- it's only for the client
- the job jar and its
- files in the distributed cache (submitted via
Task classpath precedence
- for client:
- for configuration:
(or part-m-0001
if job is map only)
- you can merge the result
- just merge - see snippets
- order - see MapReduce Patters
Problem Decomposition
- Problems rarely can be expressed with a single MapReduce job
- usually need a few of them
Hadoop solution: JobControl
- the job control creates a graph of jobs to be run on the cluster
- the jobs are submitted to the cluster specified in configuration
- but the
class is run on the client machine
Other tools for running worflows
Hadoop MapReduce Features
Output of reducers (and mappers) can be compressed
For example, to use GZip compression, use
TextOutputFormat.setCompressOutput(job, true);
TextOutputFormat.setOutputCompressorClass(job, GzipCodec.class);
Hadoop can recognize gzipped files automatically when reading
Objects in Hadoop should implement the Writable
- by implementing it, you're telling Hadoop how the files should be de-serialized
- the Java default serialization mechanism is not effective to be used in Hadoop
interface has two methods:
void write(DataOutput out)
void readFields(DataInput in)
Implementation is usually easy:
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
Text.writeString(out, language);
Text.writeString(out, token);
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
language = Text.readString(in);
token = Text.readString(in);
hash = in.readLong();
- is another interface to be used for keys
- it's a
and Comparable
- so there's
int compareTo()
- We also can have a raw comparator - to compare directly on bytes without depersonalization
- it's very good for speed because it avoids serialization/de-serialization
- the method to implement is
int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)
already implements this method
Counters is a good way to count things
- for example, to count how many records are processed
- how mane records are processed with exceptions
try {
process(record, context);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error("Caught Exception", ex);
Secondary Sort
- Typically the output of mappers is sorted by key only - there's no specific order for values
- Sometimes we need to make sure that the values are also sorted
- to do it, we create a custom
that is composed of both key and value
- and use
to output the value
- See MapReduce/Secondary Sort
Distributed Cache
Distributed cache is a service for copying files to task nodes
- If you implement the
interface, can specify files with the -files
- e.g.
-files some/path/to/file.txt
- and then you can read this file from the working directory just with
new File("file.txt")
- use the
method in mapper or reducer for this
- these files are first copied to HDFS, and then pulled to local machines before the task is executed
In Java API you'd use this:
Job job = Job.getInstance(getConf());
job.addCacheFile(new URI(path.toUri() + "#symlink-name"));
- you can also specify a symlink name by appending
- then you can read the file with
FileUtils.openInputStream(new File("./symlink-name"));
MapReduce vs RDBMS
- High Scalability
- Fault-tolerance
MapReduce is simple and expressive
- computing aggregation is easy
- flexible
- no dependency on Data Model or schema
- especially good for unstructured data
- cannot do that in Databases
- can write in any programming language
- fault-tolerance: detect failures and re-assigns tasks of failed nodes to others in the cluster
- high scalability
- even though not in the most efficient way
- cheap: runs on commodity hardware
- open source
No Query Language
No high-level declarative language as SQL
- MapReduce is very low level - need to know programming languages
- programs are expensive to write and to maintain
- programmers that can do that are expensive
- for Data Warehousing: OLAP is not that good in MapReduce
Possible solutions:
Performance issues:
- no schema, no index, need to parse each input
- may cause performance degradation
- not tuned for multidimensional queries
- possible solutions: HBase, Hive
- because of fault-tolerance and scalability - it's not always optimized for I/O cost
- all intermediate results are materialized (no Pipelining)
- triple replication
- low latency
- big overhead for small queries (job start time + jvm start time)
Map and Reduce are Blocking
- a transition from Map phase to Reduce phase cannot be made while Map tasks are still running
- latency problems from this blocking processing nature
- causes performance degradation - bad for on-line processing
Solutions for I/O optimization
- HBase
- Hadoop++ [2]
- HAIL (Hadoop Aggressive Indexing Library) as an enhancement for HDFS
- structured file format
- 20x improvement in Hadoop performance
- Spark and Flink can do pipelining
- Incremental MapReduce (like in CouchDB [3] [4])