Cost-Based Plan Selection exercises
- Wiki Articles:
- exercises handout: [1]
- solutions: [2]
Exercise 2
Suppose we have 3 relations
- $E$(eid: int, did: int, sal: int, hobby: char(20))
- $D$(did: int, dname: char(20), floor:int, phone: char(10))
- $F$(did: int, budget: int, sales: int, expenses: int)
Statistics and parameters:
- 2048 bytes per block, 10 memory buffers are available
- record from $E$ is 35 bytes long, from $D$ - 40 bytes, from $F$ - 15 bytes
- indexes:
- unclustered B-Trees on $E$.did and $D$.floor
- clustered B-Trees on $E$.sal, $D$.did and $F$.did
- statistics:
- $E$'s salaries are distributed uniformly within range [10 000, 60 000]
- in $E$ there are 200 distinct hobbies - $V(E, \text{hobby}) = 200$
- there are 2 floors
- $T(E) = 50000, T(D) = 5000$
Select the Physical Query Plan based on I/O Cost
\text{D.dname} \\
\text{F.budget} \\
\text{E.hobby = 'yodeling' } \land \\
\text{E.sal } \geqslant 59000 \\
\sigma_\text{D.dloor = 1}
- logical query plan:
Solution Plan
- calculate number of blocks for each relations
- find the best plan for each selection individually
- find the optimal Join Ordering
Some calculations
- for $E$ we can store $\left\lfloor \cfrac{2048}{35} \right\rfloor = 58$ tuples in one block
- $B(E) = \left\lceil \cfrac{50k}{58} \right\rceil = 863$
- for $D$ can store $\left\lfloor \cfrac{2048}{40} \right\rfloor = 51$ tuples in one block
- $B(D) = \left\lceil \cfrac{5k}{51} \right\rceil = 99$
- for $F$ can store $\left\lfloor \cfrac{2048}{15} \right\rfloor = 136$ tuples in one block
- $B(F) = \left\lceil \cfrac{5k}{136} \right\rceil = 37$
Selection 1
$s_R = \sigma_{
\text{E.hobby = 'yodeling' } \land \\
\text{E.sal} \geqslant 59k \\
- same as
- $e_E \equiv \sigma_\text{E.hobby = 'yodeling'}\sigma_{\text{E.sal} \geqslant 59k} (E)$
- $\text{sel}_{\text{E.sal} \geqslant 59k}(E) \approx \cfrac{60k-59k}{60k-10k} \approx \cfrac{1}{50}$
- $\text{sel}_{\text{E.hobby = 'yodeling'}}(E) \approx \cfrac{1}{200}$ (200 distinct hobbies)
- it therefore produces $T(E) \times \text{sel}_{\text{E.sal} \geqslant 59k}(E) \times \text{sel}_{\text{E.hobby = 'yodeling'}}(E) = \cfrac{T(E)}{50 \times 200} = 5$ tuples
- output can be stored in one block
ways to get the results:
- use the clustered B-Tree on $\text{E.sal}$
- index scan: get records that satisfy $\text{E.sal} \geqslant 59k$
- while doing index scan, filter records with $\text{E.hobby = 'yodeling'}$
- cost:
- number of accessed tuples $\text{sel}_{\text{E.sal} \geqslant 59k}(E) \times T(E) = 1000$
- index is clustered - no need to follow each pointer (index scan)
- $\left\lceil \cfrac{1000}{58} \right\rceil = 18$ Blocks (and therefore 18 I/Os)
- don't use the index
- table scan on $E$
- filter records that satisfy both criteria
- cost: $B(E) = 863$
- filtering on hobby does not require additional I/Os (it's pipelined)
- here we don't take index lookup cost into account (however it can be 2-3 I/Os per lookup - can increase the total I/O cost significantly if index is not clustered)
The first approach (index scan) yields better results - we will use it.
Selection 2
$s_D = \sigma_\text{D.dloor = 1}(D)$
- selectivity: $\text{sel}_\text{D.dloor = 1} (D) = \cfrac{T(D)}{V(D, \text{floor})} = \cfrac{5000}{2} = 2500$
- output can be stored in 49 blocks
ways to get the result
- use unclustered B-Tree
- 2500 I/Os since the index is not clustered, need to follow each pointer
- full table scan
Result so far:
- now need to determine in what order we will execute the joins
Pair-wise comparison:
- $s_E \Join s_D$
- $s_E \Join F$
- $s_D \Join F$
- we need to take into account the possibility of Pipelining
- no index on intermediate results $s_E$ and $s_D$
$s_E \Join s_D$
- one-pass join
- cost: $B(s_E) + B(s_D) = 1 + 50 = 51$
- can't apply index-based join
- other algorithms are always worse than these two
- result: 5 tuples (1 block)
$s_E \Join F$
- we use 1 buffer for selection of $E$ and pipeline the output to this join
- i.e. we have 9 buffers at our disposal
- can apply one-pass join
- cost: $B(s_E) + B(F) = 1 + 37 = 38$
- here we also ignore the output cost
- note that if these two relations had no attributes in common, it would result in a Cartesian product, and the output would be huge. Here for simplicity we do not consider the output cost, only the I/O cost of performing the operation
- also can apply index-join (have a clustered BTree on F.did)
- cost: 1 + 5
- load $s_E$ into memory and for each tuple there look up a record block
- index-join is better
- result: 5 tuples (1 block)
$s_D \Join F$
- $M = 9$ buffers at our disposal (1 is used for pipelining from selection)
- can't use one-pass join algorithm (not enough memory)
- sort-based join
- note that $F$ is already sorted on F.did (it has a clustered index), so we need to sort only $s_D$
- also output from selection of $E$ should be already sorted ($E$ has a clustering index on E.did), but normally we don't assume anything about the intermediate results - so we also calculate in the cost of sorting
- cost: $2 B(s_D) \lceil \log_M B(s_D) \rceil + B(s_D) + B(F) = 2 \cdot 50 \cdot 2 + 50 + 37 = 287$
- we can apply the optimization: $\left\lceil \cfrac{B(s_D)}{M} \right\rceil + 1 \leqslant M = 9$
- in this case the cost is:
- $2 B(s_D) [\lceil \log_M B(s_D) \rceil - 1] + B(s_D) + B(F) = 187$
- hash-based join
- $k = \lceil \log_{M - 1} B(F) \rceil - 1 = 1$
- cost: $2 \cdot B(s_D) \cdot k + 2 \cdot B(F) \cdot k + B(s_D) + B(F) = 2 \cdot 50 \cdot 1 + 2 \cdot 37 \cdot 1 + 50 + 37 = 261$
- index-join (using the clustered B-Tree on F.did)
- cost: $B(s_D) + T(s_D) \times \left\lceil \cfrac{B(F)}{V(F, \text{did})} \right\rceil = 50 + 2500 \cdot \left\lceil \cfrac{37}{5000} \right\rceil = 2550$
- optimized sort-merge join is preferred
The best performing pair is $s_E \Join F$
- so we execute this join first
- and then join the results with $s_D$
- for that it's enough to have 2 memory buffers
- one for pipelining $E$ from selection
- another for one-pass join
Last join: $(s_E \Join F) \Join s_D$
- for $(s_E \Join F)$ we already use 2 buffers, therefore only 8 buffers left available
- one-pass join
- cost: $B(s_E \Join F) + B(s_D) = 1 + 50 = 51$
- all other methods always cost more that one-pass join
The last projection also can be done on the fly - without materializing anything
- note that we did not materialize anything:
- everything was done on the fly
See also